Sunday 14 February 2010

Target Audience

Our film will be targeted at males aged 15 yrs to 30 yrs. we have chosen this because it is a modern crime film. we have chosen this age group because it does contain soem adult content, however due to the crime genre it can be seen unsuitable for age certifficates under the age of 15 years, this is because it may involve Discrimination, drug abuse imitable behaviour such as self harm or even suicide, launguage used that may be considered as offensive, nudity may be allowed in a sexual context but without strong detail, sexual activity may be portrayed without strong detail, violence may be strong but not dwell on the infliction of pain or injury, strong sadistic or sexualised violence is unlikely to be acceptable it certificate 15.

Thursday 28 January 2010

Iconography for Crime Movies

The Iconography in crime movies is always the same, guns add protection to the characters, buildings are always a safe haven for the characters but usually turn into a scene of a shootout or killing, cars are greatly used throughout the genre as they provide means of escape. There are always police in crime films; in some films police have no impact on the story line if there are two groups of villains. In all films there is always a reward, in crime films the reward is usually a package, the reward is generally gained by one group stealing of another individual or group.

Wednesday 27 January 2010

· Large, Crowded cities
· Dark nightclubs
· Back Streets
· Fast cars
· Sleazy bars
· Seedy living quarters
· Rooming houses

Similar Crime and Gangster Films

There are many crime and gangster films in the media today. They have all originated and developed from pre sound movies. The very first sound movie “The Lights of New York” was premiered in 1928. The use of sound effects of gun shots and screeching car tires of getaway cars. The use of sounds has changed crime films dramatically.

Over the past eighty years there have been lots of crime and gangster films created that have become hit films, these include:
· Scarface
· The Godfather
· Goodfellas
· The Enforcer
· Pulp Fiction
More recent gangster and crime films:
· Lock, stock and two smoking barrels
· Layer Cake
· Snatch
· Reservoir Dogs


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